New Year Goals

The first day of the year, and I am trying to remain positive about what is coming up.

Rather than make resolutions I shall set myself some measurable and achievable goals. I might just achieve some of them, with a bit of work.

Last night my daughter, her husband and their three year old son, Owen, were with us for the New Year. It was great to see them and to play with, read to and cuddle a lively, intelligent and loving grandson. It is one of the things that makes life worthwhile. The other two grandsons were here just before Christmas.

In a couple of weeks I shall be 65 years old. My health is generally OK and I have much to be grateful for. Our silver wedding anniversary is in May and we will be celebrating somewhere exotic. Where did all that time go?

But it is for the children and grandchildren and their futures that I must think. I have scattered my genes around and am watching the results. It would be more positive if those making policy were less about protecting the interests of the super rich to the detriment of the vast majority. And to pretend that we will enjoy more freedom away from the EU is something which makes me very angry. What we have is the removal of basic freedoms we have enjoyed for over forty years.

None of the charges against the EU levelled by the gutter press and populist politicians is subject to proper scrutiny, and bugger all of it has any relation to the truth. If we are a completely independent island once more, who will we blame for our troubles.

We never had any serious problems with the EU.

Brexit is a solution to a problem which only exists in the minds of Brexiters and quitlings.

It was always a shit idea based on paranoia and xenophobia. It is not sensible to indulge any group who are behaving in this way. If they want to have their own country, pack them off to South Georgia and let them get on with building their own perfect society. They will be eating each other within a month.

So, now, let us just quietly withdraw the Article 50 letter and just forget all about it. The fascists will hate that, but then, I hate fascists, and they are not a significant proportion of voters. Most people with even a modicum of common sense and decency will rumble what the liars have been telling them, and will realise that none of the Leaver’s promises were ever either achievable or desirable.

Brexit can still be stopped. It must be stopped before it ruins us all. Well, all but the sharks who financed the Leave campaigns, and the Russians.

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